Charlie Sheen appeared on “Today” and told Matt Lauer (and the world) that he has been HIV positive for 4 years. He also admitted that he has been paying people off to keep this a secret and it’s been costing him millions. When Matt asked him if he was still paying people he said, “Not after today I’m not”. He also talked about how he initially thought he had a brain tumor and goes into detail about his sexual partners. He is saying that he’s had unprotected sex with 2 partners who were quote, “under the care of my doctor” and that everyone he has had sex with in the past 4 years has known about his diagnosis. Of course there is already someone coming forward saying that isn’t true. According to TMZ, Bree Olson, an ex porn star was on the Howard Stern Show today and said she wasn’t aware of his diagnosis when they were intimate, and they did have unprotected sex. When protection was used, Sheen insisted on using lamb skin condoms which offers less protection from STD’s. She has tested negative for HIV but she is beyond upset that her name will forever be linked to the disease thanks to Sheen. If in fact Charlie did withhold this information from her, she could sue or even press criminal charges. You can hear her interview HERE.
You can also see Charlie’s interview on “Today” HERE.